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- Image38
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- Photograph 37
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- Motor vehicles - South Australia - Elizabeth 38
- Elizabeth, South Australia 31
- Parking lots - South Australia - Elizabeth 7
- Elizabeth Town Centre. 6
- Main North Road, Elizabeth 6
- Elizabeth Town Centre 4
- Roads - South Australia - Elizabeth 4
- Storms - South Australia - Elizabeth 4
- Buildings - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Elizabeth Birthday Celebrations 3
- Elizabeth Birthday Festival 3
- Elizabeth Birthday Procession 3
- Floats (Parades) 3
- Processions - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Automobile Industry & Trade - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Coles Supermarkets. 2
- Festivals - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Police - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Roads - South Australia- Elizabeth 2
- Shopping centres - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Advertising - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Automotive industry and trade - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Big W Discount Stores. 1
- Brimco Tiles. 1
- Coles Supermarkets. 1
- Cox, Mr 1
- David, Ian 1
- Display boards 1
- Elizabeth - South Australia 1
- Elizabeth Downs Hotel. 1
- Elizabeth Fire Service 1
- Elizabeth Fire Service. 1
- Elizabeth Floods 1
- Elizabeth Mitsubishi 1
- Elizabeth West, South Australia 1
- Exhibitions 1
- Factories - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Fire-engines - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- General Motors-Holden Automotive Limited 1
- General Motors-Holden's Automotive Limited. 1
- Gigney, Rod Mr. 1
- Grenville Centre 1
- Grenville Centre 1
- Grenville Centre Bus 1
- Grenville Centre. 1
- Health Facilities - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Hospitals - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Hotel Elizabeth. 1
- Hotels, taverns, etc. - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Housing - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Industry - History 1
- Industry - History 1
- Jones, J. Mr 1
- Loseland, Len 1
- Loy, Peter Mr. 1
- Lyell McEwin Hospital. 1
- Mail, Colin Mr. 1
- Motor Vehicle accident - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Ootamooga District Council 1
- Parafield, South Australia 1
- Peter Page Holden - Elizabeth 1
- Phillip Highway, Elizabeth 1
- Pinnock Manufacturing Company 1
- Procession - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Processions - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Retail trade - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Returned and services League 1
- Ridley Reserve, Elizabeth 1
- Royal Visitors - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Schrader Scovill 1
- Sea Scouts. 1
- Shopping Centres - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Simpson, Paul Mr. 1
- Streets - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Target Australia Pty. Ltd 1
- Target Australia Pty. Ltd 1
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