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- Image120
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- Photograph 120
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- Marilyn Baker 7
- Jo Gapper 5
- Martin Lindsell 5
- Shirley Wissell 3
- Marion Elizabeth Jenkin 2
- Pauline Frost 2
- Reg Driver 2
- Danielle Pedler 1
- Dennis Ryan 1
- Don Burbridge 1
- Don Paginton 1
- Geoff Smith 1
- Glen Docherty 1
- Glenn Docherty 1
- Helen Barnes 1
- Ian Brooker 1
- Jo Frederico 1
- Joe Federico 1
- Kelsey Ulstrup 1
- Kieran Wigley 1
- Martyn Evans 1
- Neil Clifford 1
- Peter Dickinson 1
- Peter Uppington 1
- Ray Exton 1
- Shea-Lee Carney 1
- Tom Bennet 1
- Tom Benny 1
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- Australia Day 120
- Fremont Park, Elizabeth 65
- Elizabeth, South Australia 40
- Elizabeth Australia Day Committee 30
- Australia Day Awards 16
- Parks - South Australia - Elizabeth 8
- Kerreane Wilkinson's Performing Arts Dance Studio 3
- Puppeteers - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Recreation - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Singers - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Beauty contestants - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Lions Club 2
- Lions Club of Elizabeth 2
- Naval Cadets 2
- Recreation areas - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Rotary 2
- Airforce Cadets 1
- Angle Vale Scouts 1
- Armed forces 1
- Army Cadets 1
- Awards ceremony 1
- Bennett, Tracy 1
- Ceremonies - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Charles, Alf Mr 1
- Children - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- City of Elizabeth 1
- City of Playford Councilors 1
- Dancing - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Dancing - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Elizabeth Australia Day Comittee 1
- Elizabeth Australia Day Committee 1
- Elizabeth Town Centre 1
- Elizabeth, South Austaralia 1
- Elizabeth, South Austarlia 1
- Elizabethan Spinners and Weavers 1
- Fire-departments - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Freemont Park, Elizabeth 1
- Fremont Park, Elizabeth 1
- Fremont Park, Elizabeth 1
- Fremont Park, South Australia 1
- Fries, Anita 1
- Handicrafts - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Local government - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Mayors - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Musicians - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Pedler, Danielle 1
- Pedler, Kylie 1
- Recreation - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Rotary Club of Playford 1
- Royal Australian Airforce 1
- S.A Metropolitan Fire Service 1
- Scouts and scouting 1
- Shedley Theatre 1
- Singers - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- St John Ambulance 1
- Town Crier 1
- Uniforms - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Wilkinson, Shenayde 1
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