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- Image84
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- Photograph 83
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- Virginia 29
- One Tree Hill 18
- Elizabeth North 8
- Smithfield 7
- Angle Vale 5
- Davoren Park 5
- Peachey Road 5
- Penfield 3
- Elizabeth 2
- Virgnia 2
- Angle Vale 1
- Elizabeth Park 1
- Little Glory Baptist Church, Smithfield 1
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- Churches 31
- Carclew Cemetery 4
- Cemeteries 1
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- Churches 84
- Our Lady of Assumption Church 17
- Cemeteries 7
- Methodist Church 7
- Virginia Methodist Church 6
- Smithfield Methodist Church 5
- Uley Chapel 5
- Anglican Church 4
- Catholic Churches 3
- Presbyterian Church 3
- Smithfield Presbyterian Church 3
- St Pauls Church Hall 3
- St Stephen's Presbyterian Church 3
- Angle Vale Methodist Church 2
- Carclew 2
- Catholic Churches - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Churches - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- One Tree Hill Methodist Church 2
- Primitive Methodist Church 2
- St Pauls Church 2
- St Pauls Church 2
- Uley Baptist Chapel, One Tree Hill 2
- Virginia Bible Christian Church 2
- Virginia Christian Chapel 2
- Catholic Church 1
- Flooding - South Australia - Virginia 1
- One Tree Hill Methodist Church 1
- One Tree Hill Uniting Church 1
- Schools - South Australia - Virginia 1
- St Andrews Presbyterian Church 1
- St Augustine Church 1
- St Pauls Anglican Church 1
- Uley Cemetery 1
- Uley Chapel 1
- Uniting Church 1
- Virginia Bible Christian Chapel 1
- Zoar Chapel 1
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- Daniel Garlick 2
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- James Purdie 1
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- James Umpherstone 1
- Jeffries 1
- John Patterson 1
- John Smith 1
- John Worden 1
- Joseph Blake 1
- Joseph Collins 1
- Maxwell Edgar Fatchen 1
- Rev. Herbert George Dwyer 1
- Rev. James Gordon 1
- Rev. James Rowe 1
- Rev. John Strachan Moir 1
- Rev. Samuel Keen 1
- William Andrews 1
- William Crittenden 1
- William Innes 1
- William Long 1
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- Davoren Park 1
- Elizabeth 1
- Virginia 1
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