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- Image80
- Type...
- Photograph 80
- Creator...
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- Processions - South Australia - Elizabeth 80
- Elizabeth, South Australia 63
- Elizabeth Birthday Celebrations 24
- Floats (Parades) 21
- Festivals - South Australia - Elizabeth 17
- Bands (Music) - South Australia - Elizabeth 7
- Elizabeth Birthday Festival 7
- Elizabeth Birthday Festival 7
- Elizabeth Birthday Procession 7
- Elizabeth Town Centre 6
- Royal Australian Air Force 6
- Elizabeth Birthday Celebrations 5
- Police - South Australia - Elizabeth 5
- Adelaide Festival of Arts 4
- Elizabeth Birthday Festival 4
- Freedom of Entry March 4
- Military ceremonies - South Australia - Elizabeth 4
- Motor-trucks 4
- Children - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- City of Elizabeth 3
- City of Salisbury 3
- Motor vehicles - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Pinnock Manufacturing Company 3
- Royal Australian Airforce 3
- Elizabeth Birthday Celebrations. 2
- Elizabeth Birthday Festival 2
- Elizabeth South Australia 2
- Housing - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Housing - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Motor vehicles - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Phillip Highway, Elizabeth 2
- S.A. Police Band. 2
- Santa Claus 2
- Bands (Music) - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Bands (Music) - south Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Bands - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Beauty Contestants - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Bonds Servwell Stores. 1
- Boy Scouts - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Boy Scouts - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Cartwright, Ralph Mr. 1
- Catholic Womens Social Club 1
- Charles, Alf 1
- Christmas - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Costume - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Denbigh, Janet 1
- District of Elizabeth 1
- District of Salisbury 1
- Elizabeth Birthday Celebrations 1
- Elizabeth Birthday Festival. 1
- Elizabeth Birthday Festivals. 1
- Elizabeth Birthday Procession 1
- Elizabeth Brass Band 1
- Elizabeth Fire Service 1
- Elizabeth Haulage 1
- Elizabeth Pipe Band 1
- Elizabeth South Primary School Welfare Club. 1
- Elizabeth Town Centre. 1
- Elizabeth, South Australia 1
- Father Christmas Float 1
- Festival - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Festivals - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Festivals - South Australia - Eizabeth 1
- Festivals - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Float (Parades) 1
- Float (Parades) 1
- Floats ( Parades) 1
- Floats (Parades) 1
- Girl Guides - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Girl Guides - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Glenliz Calisthenics Club 1
- Grenville Centre. 1
- Grocery trade - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Horses - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Hotel Elizabeth. 1
- John Martin retailers LTD 1
- Kindergarten - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Kirk, G 1
- Langanis 1
- Miss Elizabeth Quest 1
- Motor vehicles - South Australia -Elizabeth 1
- Motor-trucks 1
- Naval Association of Australia 1
- Paginton, Don 1
- Philip Highway, Elizabeth 1
- RAAF Freedom of the City. 1
- Royal Australian Air Force. 1
- Royal Australian Air force. 1
- S.A. Police Band. 1
- Sir Thomas Playford Kindergarten 1
- Sports - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Telecom Australia 1
- The Garden Centre. 1
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