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- Image87
- Type...
- Photograph 87
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- Photographs - Streetscapes 51
- Photographs - Elizabeth Town Centre 8
- Photographs - Events 6
- Photographs - Aerial photographs 5
- Photographs - Buildings 4
- Photographs - Industry & Trade 4
- Photographs - Buildings - Churches 3
- Photographs - Transport 3
- Photographs - Businesses 1
- Photographs - Hotels 1
- Photographs - Schools 1
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- Roads - South Australia - Elizabeth 87
- Elizabeth, South Australia 55
- Main North Road, Elizabeth 33
- Building sites - South Australia - Elizabeth 8
- Housing - South Australia - Elizabeth 7
- Streets - South Australia - Elizabeth 7
- City planning - South Australia - Elizabeth 6
- Buildings - South Australia - Elizabeth 5
- Elizabeth - South Australia 5
- Elizabeth Floods 5
- Road construction - South Australia - Elizabeth 5
- Motor vehicles - South Australia - Elizabeth 4
- Phillip Highway, Elizabeth 4
- Elizabeth Town Centre. 3
- Elizabeth Vale - South Australia 3
- Elizabeth West, South Australia 3
- Factories - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Main North Road 3
- Motor Vehicles - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Panoramas 3
- Phillip Highway - Elizabeth 3
- South Australian Housing Trust 3
- Storms - South Australia - Elizabeth 3
- Churches - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Elizabeth Park Primary School. 2
- Elizabeth Park, South Australia 2
- Elizabeth South - South Australia 2
- Elizabeth Town Centre 2
- Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth 2
- Hogarth Road, Elizabeth 2
- Industry - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Mountbatten Square, Elizabeth 2
- Storms - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Street signs - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Trees - South Australia - Elizabeth 2
- Womma Road, Elizabeth 2
- Aerial photographs - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Aerial Photographs - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Amusements - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Angle Vale Bridge 1
- Ashfield Road, Elizabeth 1
- Bridges - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Buildings - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Buildings - South Australia- Elizabeth 1
- Butterfield Road, Elizabeth Park 1
- City of Playford - Suburb 1
- Coles Supermarkets. 1
- Craigmore 1
- Diecasters Limited. 1
- Drake Drive, Elizabeth 1
- Elizabeth East - South Australia 1
- Elizabeth Grove Primary School. 1
- Elizabeth Grove Shopping Centre. 1
- Elizabeth Grove, South Australia 1
- Elizabeth Park Shopping Centre. 1
- Elizabeth Park Shopping Centre. 1
- Elizabeth Police Station 1
- Elizabeth Railway Station 1
- Elizabeth South 1
- Elizabeth South Railway Station 1
- Elizabeth South Shopping Centre. 1
- Elizabeth South, South Australia 1
- Elizabeth Town Centre 1
- Elizabeth Town centre 1
- Elizabeth Vale 1
- Elizabeth Vale, South Australia 1
- Elizabeth West Industrial Area 1
- Elizabeth West Shopping Centre. 1
- Elizabeth West, Elizabeth 1
- Elizabeth, South Australia 1
- Floods - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Frobisher Road, Elizabeth 1
- General Motors Holden 1
- Goodman Road - Elizabeth 1
- Grenville Centre 1
- Grenville street - Elizabeth 1
- Hotel Elizabeth. 1
- Hotels - Old Spot 1
- Hotels, Taverns, etc. - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Houses - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Housing - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Housing -South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Industry - History 1
- Jeffrey, Bill Mr 1
- John Martins retailers LTD. 1
- Kettering Road, Elizabeth 1
- Kinkaid Road, Elizabeth East 1
- Land Subdivisions - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Main North Road 1
- Main North Road , Elizabeth 1
- Main North Road, Elizabeth Vale 1
- Main North Road, Salisbury 1
- Midway Road, Elizabeth 1
- Motor vehicles - South Australia 1
- Motor vehicles - South Australia Elizabeth 1
- Mountbatten square - Elizabeth 1
- Municipal ceremonies - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Old Spot Hotel 1
- Parafield, South Australia 1
- Parking lots - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Peachey Road, Elizabeth 1
- Philip Highway, Elizabeth 1
- Philip Highway, Elizabeth Way 1
- Phillip Highway 1
- Police - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Railways - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Rose and Crown Site. 1
- Royal Australian Air Force. 1
- Salisbury Heights - South Australia 1
- Salisbury, South Australia 1
- Schools - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Schrader Scovill 1
- Service station - Elizabeth 1
- Shopping centres - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Signs and sign-boards - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- St Andrews Presbyterian Church. 1
- Students - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Texas Instruments 1
- The Saving bank of South Australia. 1
- Tolmer Road, Elizabeth 1
- Trees - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Uley Chapel Grounds 1
- Water towers - South Australia - Elizabeth 1
- Windsor Green - Elizabeth 1
- Winterslow Road, Elizabeth 1
- Woodford Road, Elizabeth 1
- Yorktown Road, Elizabeth 1
- Yorktown Road, Elizabeth Park 1
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